Posted on Thursday, March 17, 2011
at 6:20 AM

let me start by saying...
the holidays. extremely. boring!
have to stay at my grandmothers place. ish.
but stayed home today. and started playing some COD!

i was bored. internet. sloooowwwwwwwwwwww
btw, is the new theme nice?
looks like a diary (:
well this is practically like a online diary.

anyways, schools coming.
not looking forward to it. causeeee high school drama.
but definitely wanna talk to long jing yi! and my other friends. (:
miss my best friend amanda ): havent talked to her for such a long time already.

really looking forward to next year.
new beginning and new ending.
more of new beginning actually. ish.
hope australia awaits me earlier. hehe.
i wanna get out out out! of malaysia.

ignore this post if ya want cause its a negative post
half of a negative post & positive
but mostly negative.


Posted on Saturday, March 12, 2011
at 7:11 AM

oh me gawd. im so effing boreddd.
my internet is just horrible
weellss, let me see
i love love love the SHOTS SONG!
oh oh and and marry me & talking to the moon
its soooo nicceee! listened to it a billion of times.
and have you heard?
like OH MY GAWD! scary weehh.
took a bit of time to sleep last night.
it could've been longer but i watched GLEEEEE!
hehe. so less scared lor.
haiizz.... let me see.
i miss miss miss 2010! alot!
miss those times. ):
wells my current class is very involved. actually very very very involved.
and and i'm so so very scared about 2012 now.
i hope it never comes. 2012 scares the hell outta me.
things in the world are happening. earthquakes, floods, wars. i hope it ends right there.
hope it doesn't continue. oh yeah and snows that aren't suppose to be there.
awww.... it is just to soon. theres so much to do on earth.
weellss. i think i'll just stop here.
ohh yeah and God bleesss you! im religious now (:

what happens if theres no tomorrow?

Posted on Friday, March 11, 2011
at 4:57 AM

hey you people!
i know im saying hey to nobody but still
hey you human! yeesh boreddd
i just noticed that i'm getting blurer and blurer each day
till i got low low results
awww daammmnnnn!
anyways anyways,
one week holidaay is herrreee!
& more work? sheesshh
muahs dad is coming back in a week time!
new stuff muahahaha
hehehe. so holidays means time for
havent seen him for 3 weeks dy D:
so long.
anyways, let me see.
this week SUCKS! D:
hate bm tuition man wanna quit. shessh.
haiizzz.... i'll just stop here (:
ciaos! jing yi muahs UPDATED! :D
now you owe me an update!

i'm not me when you're not around

Posted on Friday, March 4, 2011
at 5:33 AM

Posted on Friday, February 25, 2011
at 5:29 AM

nostalgia has got no place dy. yessh weh.
should have went for the auditions last year. f.u.g i.t
awww... D:
merentas desa yesshh...
i have to go cause im some qm lololol.
hmm... to be honest.
i kinda regret not changing classes though
i dunno why but yesssh yessh yessh.

i just fff-ing miss him D:
confusions everywhere awww...
D: i like guys like him (:
hehe. shut it :D

mmmm.... let me seee.... today has been a
weird weird week
something that i've never expected to come.
its really just a little too much though.

i'm just going to stop right here for now (:

youre the only exception

Posted on Sunday, February 20, 2011
at 5:11 AM

i was enchanted to meet you

heeellooo thereeee
i'm back to blog!
i miss using the internet (:
soooo just listening to some songsss i likeee!
so so so lazyyy to go to school tomorrow. yeeessshhhh.
boringggg no holidays.
cant wait till' the end of the year and PMR!
hehe australia here i comeeeeee!
crapppp i'm crapping so so much lately
somemore im insulting yeeesshh a new addiction.
haha i shall try to stop.but sometimes i just get so hyped up!
i dont wanna be boring (: boring not nicceee.
let me see.. hmm. no awal tahun exams! :D
finaaallllyyy! but still the pressure is on! have to remember a whole lottas stuff still
yesssshhh i want bruno marsssss!! and choi si won!
and im signing out for now.
ciaossss and stay normal always! (:

nothing can bring me down when youre around

at 5:11 AM